Automobile Association

Redesigning a product to change a user behaviour that has proved stubborn and brings caution with change

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Research, UX design


The AA’s new plug-in built to detect faults in your car was struggling with new user adoption and conversion rates. I lead the research and oversaw design changes to improve the user experience, improving overall comprehension and highlighting the way the product could meet their needs.


My research set out to uncover what behaviours users had around their car maintenance, and how that impacted their experience and behaviours interacting with our initial design

Lack of urgency around repairs and low understanding of severity

Exisiting relationships with garages proved a barrier to product adoption

Choosing a garage is a more of a considered task than first understood

Users understood the faults being described, but needed more information about urgency to feel the need to act on it, as they were unfamiliar with the consequences 

Users have current garages, there isn’t a need to find/go to a new one. Users weren’t aware of our other benefits that might convince them to consider our garages

Users don’t just want options to be presented to them, they want to be involved in making the decision and need support to do so


I designed experience maps to identify what and where we were failing to meet key user needs, and co-designed new iterations that we took into rounds of user testing

Experience maps helped to indicate where in the journey users had the most un-met needs. These were important visualisations to help the wider team understand the issues users were facing.

When we tried to replicate the information you'd receive at the mechanics so that our product wouldn't have any gaps, we realised that we replicated the overwhelm that comes when met with contexually complex information


We had 3 key findings from the user testing that we used to create a final iteration of the design. Once this design was implemented in the app it contributed to a 10% increase in conversion rates

Don’t over complicate it, users need to feel confident in their understanding

Users care more about what they should do, rather than what is wrong

Users need to understand how our product will better suit their needs

Utilise universal design to remove ambiguity when trying to understand the severity of a fault

Hero the information that helps users understand what will happen to their car if they don’t get a fault fixed

Promote mobile service offerings early in the process so users are aware of this convenient option